This is Kathryn. Kathryn is a true entrepreneur, having started her first business at the age of 22. Kathryn knows how to get the most out of the #jhbHustle. So should you.
We’ve invited Kathryn over for a cup of coffee at our offices in Hyde Park and got to know her a bit better.
Here are some of the highlights from our coffee with Kathryn:
What motivates you to continue your Hustle?
Being a single mom. I have three kids and school fees that need to be paid. I also absolutely love what I do. I love being in a fast-paced, hustle-filled environment.
What is the most difficult part of your hustle?
Getting money in on time.
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to yourself when you first started hustling?
Always have contracts in place no matter what. Choose your tribe wisely. Never miss a deadline
What can’t you live without?
Running. I run every day and it helps keep me focused and sane. My pitbull, Kilo.
In your opinion what is the most important part of your company?
The impact that we make on people’s lives. The fact that we can change someone’s life through education and learning from my own past mistakes.
In one word describe your work personality
What are some of the struggles you have faced over the years?
Having made decisions when in a desperate mindset.
Learning that your finances should always be a priority and that you NEED a good bookkeeper and someone to do your tax.
What successes have you achieved over the years?
Becoming an author.
Being the winner of the Margret Hirsch Women in Business 2017/2018
Becoming recognized – I now spend a lot of time in the media sharing my knowledge.

Give your kids the best head start in life…teach them responsible money management. Buy Kathryns’s book “Raising Money Savvy Kids”
Learn more about Money Savvy Kids
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