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The most important aspect of most online marketing activities is the call to action, also known as the CTA. You’ll see them  in AdWords Ads, Facebook Ads and Email Campaigns. The purpose of a call to action is to grab a subscriber’s attention and encourage him or her to take action. Without a call to action, your subscriber might not know what action to take.

The good news is that there are tons of calls to action to choose from depending on your situation. To get you started, below are 30 call to actions that you can use in your email marketing campaigns (and anywhere else really).

CTAs that encourage a purchase

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CTAs for content

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CTAs for service-based business

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Result focused CTAs

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CTAs for Social Media

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CTAs for Videos

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Now that you have all these CTAs, check out our 5 tips on how to use CTAs effectively in email campaigns.

Blog CTA

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